Feng Shui is available in-person in Phoenix, and in select other cities with advance arrangements made. It can deliver astounding results using the power of intention and three-dimensional reminders in your physical space.
Feng Shui readings or analyses are done in person because they are based both on the physical structure of your home or business office as it relates to the bagua, as well as the items and contents of that structure, as well as the energy within the structure itself. The perimeter and adjacent property features are also considered.
With Feng Shui, a bagua diagram is used to help assess how to make improvements. It is a diagram used in conjunction with the layout of a property to analyze its energy. The main entry will be in the Knowledge/Spirituality, Career, or Helpful People/Travel quadrant, unless you have a very unusual home with an inset door. Multiple entrances are also considered.
Each Feng Shui appointment lasts approximately one hour unless a longer time is arranged in advance. As much information as possible will be related verbally in that timeframe, along with a copy of the bagua and a list of suggested issue fixes.
Read about an early session in Phoenix: Feng shui in Phoenix.