2022 Goals
Many people are feeling unsettled and trepidatious as we head into 2022. Nothing feels the "same" as it used to...
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Many people are feeling unsettled and trepidatious as we head into 2022. Nothing feels the "same" as it used to...
No matter what is happening in your life, there is always the possibility for change for the better. Do not...
As a spiritual empath and prolific writer, I would love to have some profound observations to brighten the world and...
This month Valentine's Day happens--again. Once a year people face this holiday and have to decide how to handle it....
I admit that I am like a child when it comes to the winter holidays, starting with Halloween and extending...
Toxic people in your life can range from draining, to hurtful, to downright abusive, and many things in between. Often...
Obviously different spiritual counseling practitioners work in different ways. But I want to explain how it works with me. First...
The truth is, only your current life matters. It is the only one that you are experiencing RIGHT NOW, therefore...
Here are some examples of spiritual problems which may be affecting your life: A subconscious belief or an unconscious...
There is really no such thing as death. You can think of this analogy. From the point of view of...
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