5 Easy Tips for Feng Shui
I have seen some amazing results happen within days of either myself, or my friends or clients making these quick feng shui fixes. And remember, even if you have no budget or extra money right now, you can move things around and get creative about what your do have and can use to move your energy and set your intention to manifest what you want.
- Your Relationship, Partnership or Marriage
Your master bedroom can reveal a lot about your relationship with your significant other. Is it messy or piled with dirty clothes? Have you been “meaning to” get to that project to give your bedroom some upgrades but in the meantime, you have cans of new paint or other DIY project materials sitting in the corner?
For a quick “relationship fix,” clean and organize your bedroom thoroughly. Make sure that each person has equal emphasis—for instance, both of you can get in and out of bed easily, both of you have equal-size bedside tables, lamps, pillows and other amenities.
This goes for single people who would like to attract a significant other as well. Make sure your bedroom is welcoming to another person, with a little bit of extra room for their things in your closet, dresser and bathroom cupboard, too.
- Your Wealth
Enhancing your wealth is usually an emphasis for everyone. To start, locate the overall wealth corner of your property. Use this bagua as an “overlay” on your property—starting with the main entrance:
You can move the bagua to align it with your entryway to “find” each area of your home. (See the bottom of the bagua above. You will enter one of three corners: Knowledge/Spirituality, Career or Helpful People/Travel.)
If your main entry is on the east side of your home, your wealth corner will be in its southwest corner.
- Place Wealth Items
If there is clutter in your wealth corner, declutter and clean the area, and add beautiful items that remind you of the wealth you want to generate. I’ve had clients place antique dressers, crystals, mirrors, money, artwork and many other different items in their wealth corner with great results. Whatever reminds you of wealth, use it as a three-dimensional display to attract wealth using your attention and intention.
For extra energy, use the same principle on a room level, locating its main entry door and the wealth corner of your kitchen and placing items there.
- Your Purse and Wallet
Never place your purse on the floor. For both men and women, if you tend to “lose” your wallet or if it’s old, tattered and full of items you don’t need—purchase a new one and include only items that are current and important to you. Some people place a brand new $100 bill in their wallet to remind themselves of their wealth and abundance.
- A “Missing” Wealth Corner
If your home’s perimeter is “missing” its wealth corner due to its architecture, add landscaping features like trees, vines, furniture, patios, fountains or lights to activate and expand this area of your home, symbolically creating more wealth. I have seen this work immediately, even by simply moving a couple of chairs or a windchime into the area.
I love feng shui because it works. Let me know if you would like a consultation.
Here’s an example of an amazing session. Read here: Feng Shui