It’s Been A Year
It’s been a year since I’ve posted anything on my website, but I continue to talk to Spirit and work with people to heal, including myself. My name for God is Goddess, especially in these dark times of the spread of the poisonous toxic patriarchy.
Interestingly, a book I had been working on for at least 11 years is now FINISHED, as I was spurred into action with the sudden, undeniable urge to finish and publish it BEFORE the election. Quite a process, and quite difficult. But I did it. I actually did finish in response to the incredible action by the amazing President Joe Biden, who selflessly removed himself from the race, thinking it would be best for America. It wasn’t.
I will mince no words and say clearly here that I believe the American election was hacked. Donold said numerous times that “no one needed to vote.” And Elon Musk, Donold’s latest bromance who never leaves his side said “anything can be hacked” in reference to our elections. Here is the link: and a screenshot below, in case he deletes it.
“You can just change one line”, Elon stated about the code on electronic voting machines. “I don’t need more votes, I already have votes,” trump stated repeatedly.
The name of my now-published book is “Failure of Leadership. The State of Business As Usual In America.” It’s based on my life experience and decades-long career working in the business world as an entrepreneur, as a consultant, and as an employee for mom-and-pops, small companies, and large corporations. Right now, I am still in the workforce doing what I love to do. And I thankfully I work for a firm that I deem very well run indeed. So, good companies do exist. It’s just that too many companies right now are horrible, and they need to change.
Now available on Amazon, just click: HERE
If you believe in astrology, which I do, you will know that Uranus and Pluto are big influences in our charts starting now and into the foreseeable future. They bring chaos and unexpected change. This is the dawning of the “Age of Aquarius” as Pluto won’t leave the sign of Aquarius until 2043. Here’s what Google AI says about Uranus, “Sudden change, rebellion, innovation, and disruption, meaning its influence on us can manifest as a push towards breaking free from traditional norms, embracing new ideas, and experiencing unexpected upheavals in our lives, often leading to personal growth and societal progress.” For Pluto: “Pluto impacts us by influencing deep-seated transformations on a societal level, often associated with power struggles, hidden truths, and the need to confront our shadow selves, leading to periods of destruction and rebirth as old systems are broken down to make way for new ones; its slow movement through the zodiac signs means these impacts are felt across generations rather than on an individual daily basis.”
This is the first time in my life that I have ever quoted AI, and probably the last. AI just copies a lot of actual people–it is not creative and it’s not real, it’s just a fancy software program with numerous problems. The commercials out there encouraging people to “talk with” their phones are very disturbing to me. But I digress.
Anyway, it’s already started. A health insurance insurance CEO was shot in the back last Wednesday, most likely due to his multiple callous actions in enriching himself and denying life-saving care to thousands of average Americans. Even after he was shot, the investor meeting immediately carried on without him because clearly they didn’t really care about him either. And the company, United Healthcare, quickly removed the photos and names of the other executives from their website. The very next day, tone deaf Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield announced they would not pay for anesthesia if, in their view, an operation “took too long.” They quickly retracted that position as the American public exploded in rage. The entire country has begun sharing their horror stories about health insurance companies.
Myself personally, I am appalled by violence and never condone it. Yet I understand it in this case. People should view health as a human right, and saving a life as a sacred duty. It should not be “for profit,” period. Murder by capitalism is still murder. And medical bills account for 40% of bankruptcies in America. I want my tax dollars to go to average Americans, NOT bloated billionaires making more profit when they deny people life-saving medicines, health procedures, and necessary medical oversight in hospital facilities.
Meanwhile, around the world, the sovereign nation of Romania just annulled the their election due to Russian interference, while Russian “president” Vladimir Putin’s ally in Syria, President Assad, was just driven out of his country and out of power. The horrific war in Israel continues, with Netanyahu wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court. The corporate-owned and worthless media continues to pretend that “everything is normal” while Fox Trash TV spews lies 24/7.
I am just here in my own little corner. I was told before the election by Spirit that, “There is nothing to worry about.” Indeed, I felt completely at peace for awhile. However, in the last couple of weeks, I naturally have become concerned as a human being, since Donold has threatened so many of our important workers and even CITIZENS born here whose parents speak Spanish with cruel and inhumane mass deportation, camps, and the separation of babies from their mothers, as we saw during his first disgusting term while he also mishandled a terrible pandemic. (Talk about “leadership!”) Undocumented workers PAY IN to the Social Security program, but they NEVER receive Social Security benefits, therefore they are worth far more to us than they are given any credit for in doing jobs Americans simply will not do. The unqualified billionaires Donold intends to put in his Cabinet are already calling for cuts to Social Security, while in reality, all we have to do is raise the cap so that rich people pay their fair share into the program. Donold claims responsibility for abortion bans, which is literally killing women in red states by allowing them to GO SEPTIC without medical treatment. Of course, I could go on and on.
I cannot overstate the importance of each person getting on board with Jesus Christ’s actual message of love and helping other people. Jesus does not support guns at all. He does not support targeting or any intolerance for gay or queer or trans people. He does not support forcing women to give birth. He does not support rape. He does not support obscenely greedy people or corporations who don’t pay their taxes–quite the opposite–they will never get into heaven. Today’s “Christian” churches are overrun with false messages, and filled with fake piety.
Your free will is precious, and you will be judged by what you do with it. You will judge yourself most harshly of all.
Remember, that NOT ONE PERSON gets off this planet alive in their current bodies. You are an immortal spirit living in a temporary, mortal body bag with choices to make before you die. Do not judge others by how they look, who they love, the color of their skin, how old they are, or how able-bodied they are. You will know people by WHAT THEY DO and what they do to others. Choose to surround yourself with loving people who live Jesus Christ’s message even if they follow another religion, or follow no religion at all. (That is what the Founding Fathers intended for America by the way.)
I want true FREEDOM for Americans, and people in every nation around the world. I choose freedom with my free will. How about you?
My guidance tells me that now is the time for individuals to clean up their own acts in their very own lives. The message I get from Christ is this: Spend time alone seeking what your heart is actually saying to you.
I will ask for more guidance and try to share more from now on. And I intend to start a YouTube channel soon. Timing is everything, and now is the time to put truth forward.