Thousand Years of Peace Project
As a person who talks and works with Spirit daily, I have been silent about the pandemic in my role as a spiritual seeker, seer and counselor.
Last week, I started a candle vigil which lasted for three days, and I have started a project as a result. I HOPE YOU WILL JOIN WITH ME IN FORGING THE THOUSAND YEARS OF PEACE PROJECT INTO REALITY.
The Trumps and the Republicans are removed from power and The Bidens and GOOD Democrats lead the United States and the world to greater health, peace and prosperity than ever resulting in ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF PEACE or more…preferably FOREVER…on Earth for the good of the planet and all who dwell here and everywhere in the universe.
P.S. All sessions are free during the pandemic and all are remote only. Feel free to share. Thank you, and love and blessings to all.