The Holidays
I admit that I am like a child when it comes to the winter holidays, starting with Halloween and extending through the new year. I try to make it last all the way to Valentine’s Day, until I realize that I have to wait a whole year for the holidays to return. By spring, I’m excited again.
Despite my feelings of excitement, I am well aware that many people find the holidays stressful, disappointing or sad. The expectations set for the season can be unrealistic.
If you find yourself feeling this way, do not hesitate to reach out to me. Even though I have experienced the untimely loss of most of my family members, I have created and used techniques to focus on the best aspects of my life, and have become more masterful in terms of my own personal, inner feelings.
Love and joy are truly internal experiences that you can allow. Allowing them to bubble up free from judgments about past events AND judgments about potential future events is critical to your happiness. Please make an appointment.